Roma Tre



Abstract Submission Deadline Extended until April 30th

News for Sponsors

given the significant success of the sponsorship of the MUT2016 conference, we decided that in addition to the person already included in the sponsorship package, each additional person belonging to the companies which sponsoring the event can register for the event by paying the reduced fee as a "guest" (200 € instead of 350 €). Obviously, if they will participate in the works of the conference or they will present a talk at the conference, the registration fee is for a regular participant (350 €). I hope that this decision will allow companies to participate with the maximum number of people who believe.
Thank you for your efforts.

Flyer of MUT2016

Papers are solicited for this conference describing original works in the field of micromachined ultrasonic transducers. Oral presentation format will be used at the symposium.

The deadline for the abstract submission is

April 16, 2016.

The instructions to submit an abstract will be posted on the website and directly by email to registered researchers. 

Website update

The event in Rome is approaching. The website is almost complete. We report new pages related to social events (a wonderful dinner on the most beautiful terrace in Rome and a sightseeing tour to the archaeological excavations of Ostia Antica). The sponsors have two pages to contribute to the success of the Workshop. The page for the contributors is on-line. In the coming days will be ready the page to register for the workshop.